Monday, November 29, 2010

Blog #21 - Markets available for my work

I am very excited to try my hand at getting published, which is something I thought about doing after I retire from teaching in about ten years.  I have secretly started what I hope will turn into two books - one, a fictional romance, and the other, a non fiction story based on starting over in a new career at middle age.  Having the opportunity to complete this part of our course work has encouraged me to think about starting sooner, and makes me anxious to recieve my first acceptance or rejection letter from a publisher.

The source I have chosen is called "The Teacher's Voice", and I will be submitting the essay I wrote about my favorite subject - my career as a teacher, and the authentic, but candid experiences I have to share with my students from "the hood'.  I could not be in a more rewarding place, and am thankful for this second chnce in my life to be able to do what I always wanted.

The majority of the writings at this sight are poems, but there are a few essays.  Either way, the topics are all generally the same - the positve joys of working with kids and making a difference.  There are some politically, pointed writings as well, since the recent attacks being made on the teaching profession and their unions, however, I hope to not go there with my writing.  It really is the genuine experience writing that will shoot those opinions down, without even trying.

We'll see what happens.

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