Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blog 5 What is the main concept/ideas; what is the point?!

My choices for the readings were Terry Tempest WIlliams, "the Clan of the ONe Breasted Women, (I chose this because I am a breast cancer survivor-whatever that may mean at a given time), and Dorothy Allison, "Two  or Three things I know for sure"!  In both cases there was a short basic narrative, and then all the things we block out finallly erupt in our mind.  There were reasons for the dreams and scary feelings we get, but we can't give in to them.  We want to get angry, but not angry enough to actually do something about what happened to us because doing that might make us feel worse.  Then everyone would know our tragedy.  So we sit still for as long as we can and hope it will go away until the day we realize that it is not.  We finally decide to bring it to the surface, but we do this at different levels, and sometiimes accomplish a minor victory.  Then we look at where we are in life and make a decision to either go on thw way we have beacuse it is not so bad anymore, even with the lurking tragedy hanging around.  The big deal is being able to let it go and wonder only about the good things that are left.  This one's tough!

The structure of theses essays build their drama from the center of their thought to right before the anti-climatic end where they realize they CAN go on and in some way, they have made their peace.

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